Actualising Youth Career Aspirations

An Insight Into The Problem

Youth unemployment was already a massive challenge for many African countries before the pandemic. Go ahead and Google it. The numbers will make your brain hurt. Research shows that young people account for 60% of all joblessness in Africa. The Ministry of Education says the average University graduate in Ghana has only a 10% chance of employment.

Cognizant of this significant imbalance, we established ReadyforWork to help Africa's youth live their best lives and, in turn, act as catalysts to inspire others to unlock their potential.

Kezia Owusu is one of the ReadyforWork cohort 4 alums. She's currently the Operations Advisor/Ghana Consultant at The African Art Hub (UK). Watch the video and read what she has to say about her experience with the immersive digital career accelerator program.

A Case Study of Kezia Owusu

After 12 years in the arts and media industry, I developed interest in digital marketing and the ReadyforWork platform was the best platform I found.

I wish I was 18 when I saw ReadyforWork digital career accelerator. I learned to believe in myself. I also learned how to use design thinking to drive innovation and essential social media marketing skills to drive sales, enhance audience engagement and build a community around a brand." — KEZIA OWUSU

How We Can Collaborate

Collaborate with us to deliver EPIC venture building/entrepreneurship training, workforce readiness programs or event production that unlock the potential of recipients.

Employee Training

Partner with us to deliver employee training programs that actually work. Use our framework to equip your employees with both financial literacy, digital skills, and entrepreneurial mindset – all in one training bundle. We use the ReadyforWork proprietary framework to unlock the hidden potential of your employees so they can do their best work and future-proof business.

This is a smart way to enrich your team’s jobs, optimize your business model, and drive social responsibility goals further. Have a look at the Discipline Entrepreneurship course module co-developed with global payment giant VISA.

The State of Global Workplace survey by Gallup found that ONLY 19% of Ghanaian workers that were reviewed felt engaged. A majority of the respondents, 68%, felt not engaged. Not engaged in this context, they said, is that “employees are psychologically unattached to their work and company. Because their engagement needs are not being fully met, they’re putting time — but not energy or passion — into their work.”

Further, 12% of surveyed employees are actively disengaged. That means, “employees aren’t just unhappy at work — they are resentful that their needs aren’t being met and are acting out their unhappiness. Every day, these workers potentially undermine what their engaged coworkers accomplish.”

Partner with us to design tailor-made upskilling and reskilling programs that yield exponential results.

Benefits of Working with SFAN

With SFAN, you can finally create events that empower and uplift, unlock the potential of rising entrepreneurs, or help your workers learn digital skills that speak. Our unparalleled program development experience and technology expertise delivers unmatched value for money.

Schedule a Call

Partner with us to design and scale youth development initiatives, enhance your team's productivity, spur youth entrepreneurship, or re-engineer your business process.

We've developed a range of partnership options to cater to the different priorities and strategic needs of corporate organizations, individuals, foundations, and government entities.

Reach out to us today! We'll be thrilled to walk you through various partnership options for maximum ROI.

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