Various channels to get support from the SFAN team

For recruitment, partnership, SFAN venture building, resume writing or other career support services.


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SFAN partners with corporates, international development agencies, governments, charitable foundations, and individuals to unlock the potential of young people and create a global community of innovators.

Our goal is to assemble a critical mass of collaborators to drive distinctive, scalable innovation in youth employment, entrepreneurship, and education. We believe that investment in young people is not only the right thing to do, but it is also the smart thing to do, and the time is now!

Rather Explore Further? Check Out These Resources

What is the meaning of SFAN?

How can I join SFAN?

How can I order a resume writing service?

Can SFAN help me find a job?

How can I get on-demand business services?

What is ReadyforWork?

Where is SFAN located?


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